Fundraising, Placefirst Matter welcomes UBS Asset Management as anchor investor in new UK Single Family Rental housing fund
Deals, Velkomn Matter establishes new platform 'Velkomn' for a single family residential rental strategy in Denmark targeting a DKK 2.0bn portfolio
Deals, Untold Matter Real Estate backs new later living operator ‘Untold Living’ to target £300m+ GDV
Deals, Velkomn 15 Mar 2023 Matter establishes new platform 'Velkomn' for a single family residential rental strategy in Denmark targeting a DKK 2.0bn portfolio
Deals, Untold 30 Jan 2023 Matter Real Estate backs new later living operator ‘Untold Living’ to target £300m+ GDV
Deals, Realy Bostad 17 Nov 2022 Matter backs Realy Bostad to build a multi-family rental portfolio in Sweden.
Deals, Placefirst 4 May 2022 Placefirst completes £150m refinancing to support ambitious growth plans